COVID-19 Update – March 27, 2020

Greetings in the name of Jesus,

During such uncertainty and change, we are truly blessed to know that God is changeless, his promises remain certain, and we continue to live in his care and love. “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 1:2)

Our congregational leaders continue to monitor the latest government recommendations and mandates, along with recommendations and practices from our WELS leaders and churches, while prayerfully making decisions for our congregation. Let us continue to pray for one another, that the Lord would grant us good health, patience and wisdom during these times.

Cancellations and Postponements

 All regular in-building activities (worship, classes, etc.) remain postponed. We are eager to get back to normal, but in reality, only God knows when this will be.


May God bless our teachers and students with a time of refreshment during their spring break.

Online Ministry

We encourage you to regularly check our website or Facebook page, or call the church office (262.377.6363) to monitor future worship plans and to learn when we will again gather in our church building. Here are our plans for the coming week:

  • Sunday, March 29, 9:30 am Worship (PLEASE NOTE THE NEW SINGLE WORSHIP TIME) – We offer a Sunday morning service via live-streaming for those who have online access. This means that you will hear and see our pastor in our church sharing God’s Word. Following is the YouTube link:
    The bulletin and video will be posted on the church website as well.
  • Thursday, April 2, Lenten Worship – Watch or listen to the midweek Lenten service. It will be available early evening on April 2nd via video and podcast.  It will be posted with the bulletin on the church website


Another good option for Sunday morning worship is the 30-minute Time of Grace Sunday television broadcast. Note the following Sunday morning channels and times in the greater Milwaukee area: 7 am WBME (MeTV41 and 58.2); 10:30 am WDJT (CBS 58); Saturday 12 am midnight WTMJ (NBC 4).

Online Resources

Check out a variety of other resources that are posted on our church website that encourage personal devotions, Bible reading, family devotions and more!


Please let us know of any personal prayer requests. You can contact Pastor Wagner ([email protected], 262.488.1899), Mr. Hering ([email protected], 414.491.3515), or Sarah in the church office (262.377.6363).


Thank you for your prayerful financial support for our ministry! You may mail your offering envelopes or drop them off in person to the church office (they will be placed in the safe) or use direct checks from your bank that are mailed to our church.  In addition, you may engage Vanco, an online giving service, through our church website to offer your gifts to the Lord’s work. Please make Grulke Medical Relief Fund checks out to Our Savior Lutheran Church.

Setup Automatic Giving Now

Serving One Another

Please let us know if there is a way we can serve you. There are people in our church family who are willing to assist in a variety of ways.

A Prayer

Dear Father in heaven,

We praise and adore you for your greatness, your grace and your loving care! At times we may become distracted and even discontented in our life’s situation. Distracted from remembering your promises, discontented in our changed circumstances. Thank you, Lord, for your promise to see us through these times, to support us in our struggles and to supply all that we need for both our body and soul. Grant us peace and calm during these tumultuous times and a faith that trusts your will for us and for our loved ones.  In Jesus, our Savior’s name, we pray. Amen.

God be with you!

Serving our Savior,

Pastor Wagner and Mr. Hering

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