Dear Friends,
What if Christ never rose from the dead? Isn’t it great to know we will never have that as a concern? He is risen! What if God forgets about me? Again, it’s so reassuring to know that God will never forget about us. God is trustworthy. Our gracious Lord is fully aware of any “what if’s” you may have in your life. Find peace in the right place, that is, in the powerful promises of God. Take your “what if’s” to him in prayer and regularly turn your attention to his wonderful Word. Check out Matthew 6:25-34.
Worship Schedule
Thursday evening devotion at 7 pm and Sunday morning worship at 9:30 am.
Update from our Church President (Steve Wolf)
The Church’s business is essential business!
Our leaders continue to meet utilizing various formats. Some updates
- After thorough research it was decided to apply for a loan from the Federal government’s Paycheck Protection Program. The loan amounts will be forgiven as long as the loan proceeds are used to cover payroll costs, and most mortgage interest, rent, and utility costs over the 8 week period after the loan is made and employee and compensation levels are maintained. We are thankful for our finance people who spearheaded this effort and to our Lord for blessing it.
- The Annual Budget is being prepared and almost finalized.
- The Nominating Committee’s work is complete. Appointed positions were approved by the Church Council and elected positions await congregational approval.
- Regular Elections and Budget Congregational Voters’ Meeting – We are waiting to schedule until there is more clarity on government-imposed restrictions and their timing.
We can all join together in gratitude to our entire staff and volunteers who, during these different and difficult times, have adapted, used creativity and worked diligently to maintain our ministry here at Our Savior and in ways enhance it. Praise Jesus!
Greetings from our School Secretary (Jill Klug)
From the eyes of the school secretary: The school office is quiet. School is quiet. The classrooms themselves are “stuck in time” from Friday afternoon, March 13, 2020. Still, there is certainly much activity, in fact the time it takes to prepare and actually teach a lesson and learn from that lesson has drastically increased. Parents and students receive communication in a variety of ways directly from teachers. Families and teachers have creatively set up “work from home stations.” Fortunately, we are blessed with Chromebooks at Our Savior Lutheran School and they were quickly programed and sent home with students in gr. 3-8 on March 13.
Encouragement is our school year theme, and the encouragement one receives from seeing a picture of a student, an email from a parent checking in, a quick wave through a window shows the love of Jesus everywhere. We miss each other. Each decision, idea, or suggestion presents a new set of challenges, however, there are so many reminders of God’s hand in all of this. Students, teachers, and parents are all learning lots. Acting Principal Jon Hahm emails letters to the parents and the Warrior Weekly continues to be published, archiving this most unique time in history.
Update from our Church Financial Secretary (Dale Meyer)
Over the past five weeks (since we’ve gone to online worship services), 116 giving units contributed $53,400 to the OSLC General Fund. Over these five weeks, the number of giving units utilizing online giving has increased from 11 to 36. However, for the same five calendar weeks in 2019, 219 giving units contributed $67,500. I thank the Lord for more members giving online during this time when offerings cannot be physically brought to church. I also encourage you to consider the church’s ongoing expenses when planning your gifts. It’s also not too late to donate to assist the Grulkes with medical expenses. Checks should be made out to OSLC.
We are grateful as you financially support the ministry of Our Savior. You may mail your offering envelopes or drop them off in person at the church office (they will be placed in the safe). Other options include using direct checks from your bank that are mailed to our church, or engaging Vanco, an online giving service, through our church website. See Dale Meyer’s reference above.
Prayer Requests
Please let us (Pastor Wagner, Mr. Hering or Sarah in the church office) know of any personal prayer requests.
Help us keep in touch with you!
Please send us new or updated email addresses and cell phone numbers. Thank you!
Matthew 6:33
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things (food, clothing…) will be given to you as well.”