Mrs. Monica Dierker is the second teacher we are focusing on in our continuing series, “Getting to know our teachers”. Mrs. Dierker assists students in grades 2-8 with reading and math at Our Savior Lutheran School.
Can you give me a brief description of your classroom and objectives for this school year?
My classroom is very unique as I see grades 2-8 on a regular daily basis teaching math and reading in a three hour time frame. My objectives are always to grow each child in their reading and math abilities.
What is your favorite bible verse and why?
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
This passage reminds me that I get my strength from God. Through the many ups and downs in my life God has always been there for me and given me the strength to face everything.
What inspires you about teaching?
I love watching the students grow in their faith, their learning, and as a person with unique God given gifts and talents.
When you were in fourth grade, what did you want to be when you grow up?
From what I can remember from this time in my life is that I wanted to be a wife and mother.
You are a cookie. What kind would you be and why?
I would be a Minnesota Muncher. There are so many different taste layers to this cookie and I look at teaching as unwrapping the layers of learning so that the students continue their learning journey.