Advent Midweek | Thursday’s Dec 6, 13, 20 – 3:30 & 7pm |
Sunday Services | Sunday’s Dec 2, 9, 16 – 8 & 10:30am |
Last week you received an invitation to a “A Night Out” on February 16, 2019 at The Bog. This wonderful night of fellowship will consist of hors d’oeuvres, a sit-down dinner, and entertainment by Fish Sticks Comedy. Seats are limited to 175 so don’t wait to RSVP. You may RSVP for up to 10 people on one card to reserve your table for this event. The cost is $65 per person and it includes, hor d’oeuvres, dinner, dessert and entertainment. Payment and RSVP’s are due by December 9th and can be placed in the black box in the narthex. Any questions call Sarah in the church office.
…will be held Sat., Dec. 1st starting at 9:00 am. We need your help! We all truly enjoy the beautiful decorations in church at Christmas time. Please come and help decorate our worship facility to celebrate our Savior’s birth.
Join us for Christmas caroling on Sunday Dec. 9th at 5:00pm. We will meet in the Church office building and head out. Please indicate your plan to participate by signing the sheet in the narthex. Please note that there will not be a chili meal this year.
Are available on the table in the back. The Advent calendars are free; just one per family, please. The Spiritual Growth Committee encourages you and your family to use the devotions and family Advent ideas to help your family focus on Jesus’ coming.
Order forms are on the tables in the back of church. The cost is $15.00. Please pay when ordering and make your check payable to Our Savior Altar Guild. You can place the order form and your check in the church office mail slot. Deadline to order is Sunday, Dec. 16th You may take them home after the Christmas Day Service.
Our Savior is again participating in the Charis Tree for the Seminary Students and their children. Seven local WELS churches have joined hands to provide gifts for each student and their family. A Charis tree will be on display in the narthex next week for our members to select a name, purchase a gift or gift certificate, and return the gift to the box provided by SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2018. We encourage all families who are able to participate in this expression of support and thanks directed towards the students!
2019 Men of His Word Conference
The 10th annual Men of His Word Conference will be held at the Best Western Convention Center in Oshkosh on Saturday, February 9, 2019. Please go online at to register and to get details about schedule, breakout sessions, keynote speaker, cost, etc. If you would like a paper form to register please contact Sarah in the church office for one. Hope to see you there! Or Join us carpooling. (see carpool sign up)
Our Savior Lutheran School Christmas children’s service
Please join us for the Our Savior Lutheran School Christmas children’s service on Sunday, December 23rd at 4:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Hope to see you there!
The 2019 offering envelopes are out. Please be sure to pick yours up.
2019 Children Offering Envelopes
Children offering envelopes are available on the table in the back. We encourage families with children ages 3 to 7th grade to pick boxes up. These envelopes are not dated and can be used anytime throughout the year.