ADULT BIBLE STUDY – Advice from a Mission Counselor –April 29 to June 10.
Anyone who goes to church expecting to meet a group of perfect, loving people is in for a surprise. Paul knew any Christian, especially a young pastor like Timothy, could be bitterly disappointed, frustrated and burned out from the pettiness, selfishness and sinfulness of the people in his church. So he reminded his young friend — and us — of the enormous transition God worked in his own life, taking him from being a murderer of Christians, to a powerful apostle and missionary. Here’s solid counsel from the man chosen and instructed by Jesus himself to be a missionary. Child care will be provided for ages 0-3. Sunday School is available for all other ages.
A Bible study on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm – 8:30pm in the classroom which is located near the copier room in the lower level school hallway. Bring your point of view because you will be able to give it during our discussions.
SENIOR BIBLE STUDY – Selected Psalms
The themes and topics of the book of Psalms seems endless. For deliverance from enemies, for refuge and peace, when my soul is in anguish, for comfort during crisis, for assurance of God’s mercy, when lonely, when death looms, for the love of God’s word and worship, praise and thanksgiving, the promised Savior… During this study we will find comfort, encouragement and joy as we read and ponder selected Psalms. The class will be taught by Staff Minister Hering in the Church Office Classroom on Tuesdays at 10:30 am, now through May 22nd.
After much prayerful deliberation and consideration, it has been determined that the NPH Christian Books and Gifts retail store in Milwaukee will close this fall. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Thank you for your continued trust and your support for the ministry of Northwestern Publishing House. Please contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this change.