August Sermon Series
Isn’t summertime, sunshine and the green growth in Wisconsin amazing? From the rain and rays (actually, from the Creator) comes a growing plant. As summer progresses we witness the cycle of life, from start to finish, from little to big, from seed to fruit. This same cycle occurs in the life of a believer, as faith is planted by the Gospel, it is watered and nurtured and then comes the abundant fruit. God loves to gather his children together and raise a garden of good things. Seeing this cycle reminds us that we can’t rush the process by which fruit appears in our lives.
Love Lifts Us Up
Summer Sunday Adult Bible Study. August 11 – September 8th at 9:15am each Sunday in the Fellowship Hall. Our English language is complicated by context – especially when it comes to love. We use the same word to describe our passion for food (tacos or hamburgers), our adoration (worship) for God, the attraction and affection between a husband and wife. While we simply have one word for love, the ancient Greeks used several, all of which are illustrated in Scripture. In this late summer study we’ll discover why love is central to all aspects of life and how having love lifts up our spirits. John says it so well, “We love because he first loved us.” “God is love.” “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.”
Attention Parents!
A 10-week parenting Bible class entitled “Family Balance” will be taught by Tom Hering and begin on Sunday, September 8. This series is for all parents. There are many aspects of trying to find and maintain balance in a family. This discussion-based class will include Biblical principles and guidance to help work through the challenges of family balance on many different fronts, such as the use of Law/Gospel, discipline, technology, worship, family time, work and play, etc. The class will meet in the classroom off the fellowship hall during the regular Sunday morning Bible class hour. Child care is provided.
Join Hearts to Hands Monday, August 26th at 6:30 pm in the mezzanine of the school building. All are welcome, beginners and experienced alike. We have hooks. needles, and yarn to share. Hope to see you there!
Women’s Leadership Conference
You are invite to attend the Women’s Leadership Conference “Gifted to Lead: Growing in Your Gifts” on Saturday, October 19, 2019, from 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee. Discover your female uniqueness alongside women leaders. Hosted by the Christian Women’s Leadership Circle at Wisconsin Lutheran College, this half-day conference will explore and encourage women’s growth in character, confidence, competence, and commitment. To register, for more information, or to sponsor this event, visit To ensure you receive all conference materials, register by September 15, 2019. Final registration: October 4, 2019.
Adult Volleyball
KML Church League Adult Volleyball is back! If you are a member of a KML Federation church and would like to form a volleyball team, please contact Ashley Miller ([email protected]). The league will start in October and run until March. Games will be held on Sunday nights in KML’s gymnasium. There is a fee of $75 per team, but all fees go to KML. Please feel free to contact Ashley with any questions. The deadline to sign up is October 1, 2019.
Adult Mens Basketball
A core group of men from a variety of WELS churches and the area community of Jackson that play basketball regularly at KML and is seeking more players to keep the group active. The group plays 3 times per week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, beginning at 5:45 AM for about an hour or whatever your schedule allows. High school age or older – this is a fun and competitive group with emphasis on fun and fellowship. Ages range from 18-60+ (no one really knows). Best thing: there is no cost to play! No long term contracts or commitment required. Play when you can and enjoy some fun, fellowship, and exercise, and meet others from our sister congregations and the community. Want to join or have questions? Contact Mike Willis (414-238-7121; [email protected]) or go to to sign up.