This year’s Spiritual Growth Plan focuses on prayer. Ponder a verse and a comment on the blessing of prayer from your Spiritual Growth Committee: 1Chronicles 16:11 “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” We need to look to the Lord always and see in the Word all he has done for us.
Please join us for the Our Savior Golf Outing AND/OR Dinner on Sunday, September 8th with golf tee off at 1:00pm, social/fellowship hour at 5pm and dinner at 6pm. Golf (18 holes w./cart) & Dinner (Chicken Florentine or Sliced Tenderloin) $ 60.00. Golf only (18 holes w./cart) $40.00. Dinner only (Chicken Florentine or Sliced Tenderloin) $ 20.00. Hole/Event Sponsor $75.00. Deadline for signing up for Golf & Dinner is August 25th (Need to pick dinner choice when signing up). Deadline for signing up for Hole/Event Sponsor is August 11th (Need artwork for signage from new sponsors). Proceeds from the event will be used for the new Welcome Center that will be located in the church lobby. We need volunteers to assist with various golf outing activities/contests. To donate prizes or gift cards for dinner-time fun and fellowship or to volunteer to assist during the day, please contact Marty Dierker. Gather a golf 4some or just join us for dinner. Invite family and friends for this day of fun, food and fellowship!
Mrs. Heidi Fischer has accepted the call to serve as our 1st & 2nd Grade teacher here at Our Savior. As a welcome gift, it has been decided to collect Scrip gift cards for them. We will be selling Scrip gift cards for the Fischer’s during the month of July after services in the narthex and present the gift cards to them when Mrs. Fischer is installed in August. Any cards you select to purchase for them is fine. When ordering Scrip, just let us know which cards are for the Fischer family.
College Roll
COLLEGE STUDENTS/FAMILIES: look for the College Roll Information Form in your box. Please complete and return to Tom Hering or the Church office as soon as possible, no later than Labor Day, if possible. If you are a college student and did not receive a form in your box there are additional forms on the table in back of church.
KML Church League Adult Volleyball
KML Church League Adult Volleyball is back! If you are a member of a KML federation church and would like to form a volleyball team, please contact Ashley Miller ([email protected]). The league will start in October and run until March. Games will be held on Sunday nights in KML’s gymnasium. There is a fee for each team of $75, but all fees go to KML. Please feel free to contact Ashley with any questions. The deadline to sign up is October 1, 2019.
Kettle Moraine Lutheran Adult Chorale
The Kettle Moraine Lutheran Adult Chorale is a choir of WELS and ELS church members in our area. The choir rehearses seasonally on Sunday afternoons in the choir room at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School in Jackson. Their fall rehearsal season will begin on Sunday, September 8, at 4:00 p.m., in preparation for the choir’s Christmas concert on Saturday, December 1. New members are invited to join the KML Adult Chorale. For more information, please contact the director, Pastor Johnold Strey, at (262) 628-2550 ext. 210, or [email protected].