ADULT BIBLE STUDY – Jesus Lives in Us
July 15 to September 2. All too often we’re disappointed in what the world has to offer yet we seem to forget that ONE person lived up to everything his family needed. Jesus came into our world to fix it… and us! He came to join us in our humanity to give us hope and a future, and in reality he himself and his life is the power source that we often forget to draw upon. Quietly, and still forcibly, Jesus comes to each believer to bring truth and love; direction and purpose; answers to every question in life. All over Scripture the person of Jesus comes to give life, and the longer we linger with him, the fuller our lives become. Join us for an exploration of how a deeper relationship with Jesus puts everything into perspective.
SUMMER SERMON SERIES – Let the Lord’s Leader Listen – June 24 to September 2.
Few leaders leave a legacy like King David, who has been called the Great King and Giant Slayer. David was a flawed man, desperately in need of forgiveness –like all of us. David was a faith-filled follower of the Lord, blessed with a heart of passion and wisdom. He sang the songs of a shepherd king from his youth until his grave. He sought God’s will and as Israel’s leader instilled God’s way. Even in his fumbling and failures, he longed for the presence and power of the God to whom he’d gladly give all glory. David is a remarkable study in man’s weakness presented alongside God’s strength and God’s saving grace.
Our church and school picnic will be held on Sunday, August 26th. The picnic will begin at approximately 11:15 am after a single 10 o’clock worship service. Join us for hamburgers, hot dogs and brats, lemonade, ice cream and other shared dishes (Side-dishes and desserts welcome). There will also be games for all ages after lunch. There will be a Free Will Offering basket. No need to sign up to attend; just come and enjoy the delicious food and fellowship!
Help needed for picnic set-up, serving and clean-up! See the sign-up sheets and details on the table in the church entry area. Note especially the need for helpers for Saturday (August 25) set-up at 3 pm and servers Sunday morning!
Mom’s Circle would like to invite all moms and dads to attend our play group. Join us to meet other parents and give your kids an opportunity to have fun with friends. Our next gathering will be on Thursday, August 2nd at 8:15 am in the Our Savior music room.
First Fridays – The Little Prince, a children’s opera
Experience Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s beloved and classic children’s book in this operatic adaptation on Friday, Aug. 3, at 7 p.m. (special time). Featuring a score by Academy Award-winning composer Rachel Portman and local Milwaukee talents, this free concert is perfect for all ages and open to the public. Sung in English, run time approximately 75 minutes. First Fridays is Grace’s monthly concert series that is free and open to the public. Donations gratefully accepted.
Job Openings – at Grace – Assistant Manager for Grace Place Coffee
Grace Place seeks a coffee lover, who wants to work a couple weekday mornings as well as a weekend or two a month to meet neighbors and members, serve great food and drinks, and help with day-to-day tasks. Training (and tasting) by Stone Creek Coffee is provided. Contact Angie Grass at 414-271-3006 or email [email protected].
WELS SONGWRITER PRESENTS “WORSHIP WITH A CHRISTIAN SONGWRITER AND FORMER ATHEIST” at St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Port Washington. Monday, July 30th, at 7pm. St. Matthew’s is located at 1525 N. Grant Street, Port Washington.
Christian Family Solutions is currently looking for an individual to fill a full-time position (32 hours) as a Client Support Specialist in our Germantown counseling office. Primary responsibility would be to provide professional reception services to clients and visitors both in person and on the phone, including scheduling, payments, and routine office responsibilities. For a full job description and to apply, visit and click on the Employment tab or call 262.345.5530.