From the Board of Stewardship
Knowing that God is the Creator and Provider of all things motivates us to worship Him with our faithful stewardship. As faithful stewards, we acknowledge God as the source and owner of everything. We are merely managers or caretakers of His property that is on loan to us. In our faithful stewardship, we seek to use our lives and blessings according to His will. We understand our blessed purpose to serve and glorify our God and we seek His wisdom and strength to daily serve Him and others.
SUMMER SERMON SERIES – Let the Lord’s Leader Listen – June 24 to September 2
Few leaders leave a legacy like King David, who has been called the Great King and Giant Slayer. David was a flawed man, desperately in need of forgiveness –like all of us. David was a faith-filled follower of the Lord, blessed with a heart of passion and wisdom. He sang the songs of a shepherd king from his youth until his grave. He sought God’s will and as Israel’s leader instilled God’s way. Even in his fumbling and failures, he longed for the presence and power of the God to whom he’d gladly give all glory. David is a remarkable study in man’s weakness presented alongside God’s strength and God’s saving grace.
Scrip will be for sale after Sunday church services throughout the summer as long as our volunteers are available. Special orders will be placed on Monday mornings by 9am and available in your church mailslot by Thursday at 7pm (church). The school office will be open Mon. – Thur. from 9am until noon throughout the summer – another possible time you can pick it up from your mailslot. These are the weeks there will be NO special orders – June 18, June 25, July 16. During these weeks you can still do ScripNow and Reload through your Presto Pay account. If you have any questions, please contact Alison Wolf, Our Savior Scrip Coordinator.
Did your contact information change?
If you have moved or changed phone numbers in the last 12 months please contact the church office with your updated information. We will be working on getting the new directory out this summer.
Save the dates: School Cleaning Volunteer opportunity
Saturday, July 21 & 28 to participate in annual school cleaning projects.