New this week – March 11, 2018

Call Meeting

There will be a call meeting on  Sunday, March 18, 2018 after the 10:30 am service to place a call for a part time 1st and 2nd grade teacher.

From the Board of Stewardship

Our Savior, Jesus, was obedient to death on a cross in order to take away all our sins. Can you think of a greater blessing? (Likely not!) Let us, with grateful hearts, heed His call to follow Him. “Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men” (Mark 1:17).

For Lent 5 – Think ahead for next week:   He Serves at the Great Altar 

For us, Jesus bore the disgrace of the cross. The author of Hebrews urges us to go out to Jesus outside the camp. What he means is that those who bear the name of Christ, as we do, and who profess Christ as the Savior of our souls must also be ready to be despised and rejected by the unbelieving world. Think of the Jews to whom this letter was written. To confess Christ meant to be ostracized from the Jewish community. It meant being put out of the community, just like Jesus was put out of Jerusalem by his own people. So it still is today.


Join us at KML on Friday, April 13, from 5:00-9:00 PM for this year’s Family Music Fest, A Knight to Remember. Monies raised at this event will go toward the improvement of technology within the KML Music Department. This event will feature elementary and high school musical performances, a fish fry, games, auctions, and a dessert bar in addition to showcasing the Lutheran Elementary School Science Fair projects.


Please check the table in back of church for the purple order form for Easter Flowers.  Please place the order form and your payment in the church office mail slot.  The cost is $14.00 per plant.  Deadline to order is Sunday, March 18th.   Plants can be picked up after the second service on Easter Sunday.

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