Sunday, Dec. 17th in the Fellowship Hall. Join us at 9:15 am for Christmas caroling, fellowship and refreshments.
Our Savior Lutheran School Christmas children’s service
Please join us for the Our Savior Lutheran School Christmas children’s service Sunday, December 17 at 4:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Hope to see you there!
Please note that we will have single regular Sunday morning worship services at 9:30 am on December 24th and December 31st.
Early Childhood Information Event
For the Our Savior Lutheran Early Childhood Event on Monday, January 29, 2018. Parents of children who will be age three to five prior to September 1, 2018 are welcome to come and learn about our 3K, 4K, and Kindergarten programs. The best way to bring new people into our school is by our parents‘ recommendation. Do encourage, and spread the news!
Volunteer! Church and School Cleaning
An Our Savior Lutheran Church & School undecorating/cleaning day has been scheduled for Saturday, January 6th starting at 8:30am. We are looking for help from both church and school families. Please consider joining us for some fun, fellowship and cleaning!
Come Cheer on the Warriors
The Our Savior Warriors basketball season has begun, please come and cheer them on at any of our games. You can find the schedule on the online calendar thru the Our Savior website. We are always looking for helping hands during our home games. Contact the school office for more information.
January – SENIOR ADULT BIBLE STUDY – Book of 1 Peter
The people to whom Peter wrote this letter were experiencing hardship and suffering due to their Christian faith. They needed encouragement, even as we do today. The epistle of 1 Peter reminds us of the hope we have through Christ, not only for this life, but for the life to come. The class will be taught by Staff Minister Hering in the Church Office Classroom on Tuesdays at 10:30 am, beginning January 9th and continuing through March 20th.
On December 10th we extended a Call to Mr. Aaron J. Trimmer to serve as our middle grades teacher and Athletic Director. Please keep Mr. Trimmer, his wife Jennifer and their 2 daughters in your prayers as he deliberates the call.
The Flower Chart for 2018 is on the table in the back of church. Please consider providing flowers for the front of church for your wedding anniversary, birthdays, in memory of a loved one, etc.
Please join us at Circle B Recreation in Cedarburg at 10:00am on Wednesday, December 27th. The cost is $5.00 and it covers bowling, shoes and pizza. A sign-up sheet is located on a table in the church entry way. Any questions contact Mr. Fischer, Mr. Pautz or Mr. Martens.
By Scripture Alone
…is a daily Bible reading initiative that begins on January 1, 2018. Our reading is based on F. LaGard Smith’s The Daily Bible, a unique chronological arrangement of the Scriptures. To get started, purchase a copy of The Daily Bible, available at or Family Christian Bookstores. Like us on Facebook at “Our Savior Grafton By Scripture Alone” or click on the “By Scripture Alone” link on the church website home page for more details on accessing these daily insights. If you would like to receive a paper copy of these insights, please sign up on the table in the back. You will receive daily Scriptural insights to provide accountability and encourage participation.
Attention Parents!
A 6-week parenting Bible class entitled “Christian Parenting – A Labor of Love” will be taught by Tom Hering and begin on Sunday, January 7 and run for 6 weeks. This series, which is really an extension of the class that was taught this past fall, is for all parents. On the basis of God’s great love for parents and children, we will explore many ways in which parents show love for their children. The class will meet in the classroom off the fellowship hall during the regular Sunday morning Bible class hour. Child care is provided.
Christmas Concert at Luther Prep
All are invited to attend the Luther Prep Christmas Concerts on Sunday, December 17, @ 3:30 pm or Sunday, December 21, at 10:00am. Both concerts will be held in the gymnasium. 1300 Western Ave, Watertown, WI 53094.