News this week 10/7/18

Our Mission Fest – October 18 & 21

..will emphasize Home Missions this fall – Jim Buske, Executive Director of Lighthouse Youth Center will be our preacher and presenter.  Pastor Buske will share how relational ministry can bridge the gap with latch key kids in the inner city.  Lighthouse has served over 20,000 Milwaukee kids during the past decade, giving them a safe place after school.  Their time there includes tutoring, Bible Studies, and discussion on how Christ changes everything for us.

Changing Lives, One Pair at a Time

In just about any home, one can find a pair of eyeglasses that are no longer being used. That same pair of eyeglasses can change another person’s life. The students and staff of Our Savior Lutheran School are collecting used eyeglasses and will donate them to the Grafton Lions ‘Club which supplies trained volunteers to conduct vision screening for our students. Recycled glasses are distributed to people in need in low and middle income communities where they will have the greatest impact. Can you donate eyeglasses and change someone’s life? Donations of eyeglasses can be placed in a collection box specifically for the glasses through October 16th.


God’s Creation Wall Calendars are available for purchase on the back table.  They are $7.00.  There are envelopes on top of the calendars where you can place your payment.  This is a fundraiser for Our Savior Parents-Teachers-Friends (PTF). Proceeds from this calendar sale are used for a variety of non-budgeted items and events sponsored by the PTF.


Attention! An 8-week class led by Tom Hering that runs through November 4. This series encourages discussion while exploring a variety of topics for husbands and wives. The class meets in Mr. Grulke’s classroom off the Family Life Center upper lobby during the regular Sunday morning Bible class hour. Child care is provided.

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