Delicious, home-made, fresh pizzas for sale! Sell to friends, family, co-workers, etc. Money raised is used for a variety of non-budgeted items and events sponsored by the PTF.
Please help us reach our goal of 800 pizzas!
- Take orders from now until Friday, November 2nd
- Collect money as you sell. (Checks made payable to: “Our Savior PTF” )
- NEW this year – for supporters who are not fond of pizza or have no freezer space, there is also an option to simply provide a monetary donation on the form.
Just ordering for yourself?
IMPORTANT: All pizzas must be picked up on Saturday, November 17th, from noon – 1:00 p.m. We will not be able to store pizza orders. Pizzas are fresh, not frozen, but they freeze perfectly.
Don’t forget to sign up to help make pizzas on November 17th! Assembly and cleanup will be from 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. Please let us know if you can come for all or part of that time. It is important for us to know for planning purposes.
**** Please note – there will be no childcare for this event ****