Giddy up! We’re taking this year’s VBS to the Wild West! The theme passage is from Romans 12:11:
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
We’re ready to discover more about Jesus while we explore what it means to be excited about serving. This year’s theme “Yee-Haw!” complements all this enthusiasm!
Our Savior Lutheran Church & School in Grafton, WI is hosting a FREE Vacation Bible School this summer. Presented by Camp Phillip, this VBS takes on less the style of school and more the feeling of a fun-filled day camp.
Please register by June 12!
Open to children who have completed Kindergarten through 5th grade
July 8-12, 2024 from 9am-3pm
- A morning snack related to the daily theme will be provided each day. (Those with food allergies, please plan to bring a snack).
- Lunch is NOT provided—please plan to send a lunch and reusable water bottle with your child(ren) each day.
- All children attending must be able to use the restroom on their own.
- Contact the church office if you have any more questions!