Our Savior School PTF meeting
All parents, grandparents, teachers, and friends of Our Savior are invited to the PTF meeting Come and learn about the PTF, discuss what things are coming up, offer any new ideas, and meet everyone. The meeting will be held on Monday, May 21st from 6:00 – 7:00 pm in the fellowship hall. Childcare is available!
OSLS 8th Grade Graduation
Our Savior’s 8th Grade Graduation Service will be held on Thursday, May 31st, 2018, at 7:00pm.
Annual Voters’ Meeting on June 24th
at 11:45am with a light lunch.
Mercy Ministry Fund
Can Recycling Project – We are collecting aluminum cans. They can be placed in the containers located in the fenced enclosure at the NE corner of the gym.
Special prayers for our members and friends are available in printed form on a clipboard hanging from the prayer box that is next to the mailboxes. You can also have the prayers emailed to you or read it online. If you have a special prayer, you can contact the church office, or place it in the prayer box.
The Flower Chart for 2018 is on the table in the back of church. Please consider providing flowers for the front of church for your wedding anniversary, birthdays, in memory of a loved one, etc.
Your Life – Your Plan – Your Legacy
KML is hosting a special three-night series on estate planning on June 12, 13, and 19 starting at 6:30 PM. Each presentation is unique and will provide valuable and practical information for all who attend. Come hear professionals who can offer clear advice, but without any cost or obligations. Attend any or all of the presentations. Go to foundation.kmlhs.org for more information and to RSVP.