New this week – November 4, 2018


Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 21st   at 7:00 pm,
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 22nd at 9:30 am.

No Worship Thursday night.


Ladies, reserve the date, Sunday, December 2nd to participate in the 4:30 pm Advent by Candlelight at Our Savior.    Sign-up sheets for attending, hosting or making a dish to share are on a table in the Narthex. Advent by Candlelight is an opportunity for women to set aside the hustle and bustle of holiday preparation and focus their minds and hearts on the birth of Christ.  Beautiful decorations and fellowship provide a delightful atmosphere for the ladies to enjoy music and devotional time by candlelight.  Please sign up by November 18th.  Please contact Sarah in the Church office if you would like to help with the planning.


Will be held Sat., Dec. 1st starting at 9:00 am.  We need your help!  We all truly enjoy the beautiful decorations in church at Christmas time.  Please come and help decorate our worship facility to celebrate our Savior’s birth.


The food collection for Northside Lutheran  Ministries continues year round.  The bin for donated non-perishable food items is in the coat room.

WITH THIS RING Marriage Retreat

February 22-24, 2019 – Hotel Mead – Wisconsin Rapids, WI.

Imagine a weekend away from the daily stresses of work, home, and kids. You and your spouse will grow together in your faith life, enjoy “date night” activities and uplifting music, and learn practical, relationship-building skills such as intimacy, structuring priorities, and applying God’s covenant to marriage. Go to for more information or to register.

Christmas Cookie-Baking is back!

The 8th annual day of baking of Christmas cookies will be held in the newly remodeled KML foods room on Saturday, December 1, from 8:30 – 11:30 AM. Cost is $30 per participant or $45 for a team. This event is open to all KML Federation members and friends who are high school age and up. Attendees should bring containers or tins to take home the goodies. Recipes, ingredients, kitchen utensils, and baking pans will be provided (as well as a drink and snack mix).

Contact Mrs. Linda Hering with questions or to sign up to attend. Space is limited, so sign up soon!

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