Why does a Christian give?
Giving is a very poignant, personal, individual expression of faith; not a response to needs of the church. It is a direct result of the Holy Spirit’s work in our hearts, an internal demonstration of our trust in God, and has profound meaning for both the individual doing the giving and the group receiving the gift. Giving is a response to the grace that the Lord has given to us, not a motivation for his grace. When we are connected to the vine, the fruit comes naturally. Don’t miss Pastor Mark Jeske (Time of Grace) when he joins us on October 4th and 7th here at Our Savior.
Our Mission Fest
…held on October 18 & 21 at Our Savior, will emphasize Home Missions this fall – Jim Buske, Executive Director of Lighthouse Youth Center will be our preacher and presenter. Pastor Buske will share how relational ministry can bridge the gap with latch key kids in the inner city. Lighthouse has served over 20,000 Milwaukee kids during the past decade, giving them a safe place after school. Their time there includes tutoring, Bible Studies, and discussion on how Christ changes everything for us.
Our Savior School PTF meeting
All parents, grandparents, teachers, and friends of Our Savior are invited to the PTF meeting Come and learn about the PTF, discuss what things are coming up, offer any new ideas, and meet everyone. The meeting will be held on Monday, September 24th @ 5:30pm in the Family Life Center. Childcare is available!
Youth Group Packer Party
ATTENTION all 8th grade through high school seniors of Our Savior! You are invited to gather on Sunday, October 7, right after the 10:30 service (around 11:45 am) for pizza and a Youth Group Game Party – Packers and Board Games! We’ll gather in the white office building classroom. Nothing to bring but an appetite. There is no cost. Come and enjoy great fun, food and friends! Invite a friend. And be sure to watch for future Youth Group Activities!