Dear Friends,
This last Sunday we sang, “Precious Lord, Take My Hand.” It’s a song that deeply touches the emotions of many people. We are reminded that “through the storm, through the night” our Lord continues to lead us home! And the picture of our precious Lord taking us by the hand and holding us safely in his care “when our life is almost gone” gives us peace and confidence today and when our “day is almost gone.” May the Lord guide you every day as you live for him who died and rose for you!
Schedule of Worship and Events
Join us
- Tuesday, May 26, online women’s Bible study
- Thursday, May 28, onsite worship at 7 pm in our Family Life Center Gym
- Sunday, May 31, onsite worship at 8 and 10:30 am in our Family Life Center Gym
- All three services this weekend include the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. (Please see the announcement on the back of this letter.)
- We will continue to live stream our Sunday morning 10:30 service.
- Saturday, June 6, at 7 am, men’s Bible study in the fellowship hall
Call Update
- We are pleased to announce that Mr. Jon Hahm accepted the Call to serve as our school principal for the 2020-2021 school year.
- Please keep Mrs. Amanda Gronholz, who was called to serve one year as a part-time teacher in our school, and Pastor Mike Hintz, who was called to serve as our pulpit assistant, in your prayers that the Holy Spirit would guide them to a peaceful decision as to how he would have them serve.
Holy Communion Announcement!
Our congregation’s Board of Elders and ministry staff is pleased to announce that we will continue to gather for onsite worship on Thursdays and Sundays in the Family Life Center gym, and that we will now resume offering the Lord’s Supper beginning this Thursday and Sunday, May 28 and 31. While this is not a regular weekend to offer the Lord’s Supper, the decision was made to include it this weekend, and then get back to the regular first and third weekends in June (beginning June 4/7).
There will be several changes in how the Lord’s Supper is distributed, in an effort to promote safety and the well-being of our church family.
While we won’t list all the adjustments in this announcement, please note the following changes:
- Special measures will be taken which promote health and safety.
- Those who distribute Communion will wear masks during the distribution.
- Wafers will be distributed into the communicants’ hands so there is no personal contact.
- For the time being, we will not be using the common cup.
- Each communicant will grab his/her own individual cup.
- More individual cup trays will be used so that individual cups can be spread out on the trays.
- We will follow the process of continuous communion, which also promotes safe spacing between individual communicants. This will be explained further when we meet for worship.
- We understand that some people may not feel comfortable gathering for worship and may want to wait longer before coming back to church. Please don’t feel guilty about having such concerns for health and safety!
- We understand that some people may feel some of these changes are not necessary or are too extreme. We continue to ask everyone to be patient and loving with one another.
- We ask everyone to be respectful of others and understanding of various perspectives pertaining to these issues and decisions. We are prayerfully assessing information and making decisions to the best of our abilities. Your church leadership team will continue to monitor developments and keep you informed with future updates.
- We respectfully ask that persons who are ill or feeling symptoms of illness continue to worship remotely.
May God keep us growing in faith and secure in his love!