2020-2021 Sunday School Options

On-site Sunday School

We are forming a plan at Our Savior to offer a different approach for on-site Sunday School! It will change how we group the students, where they meet, and what activities are included to allow the students to social distance during the Sunday School hour.  In addition, the start date and frequency of on-site classes will be adjusted. Currently the first session of Sunday School is scheduled for Sunday, October 4. We plan to meet only on Communion Sundays the first two months (Oct. 4 and 18, Nov. 1 and 15). We will assess and make decisions as we go. We plan to invite our teens to assist with our modified Sunday School rather than attend a regular weekly teen study. Watch for more details in September.

Home Remote Sunday School

A home remote Sunday School option now exists as well. Northwestern Publishing House is producing Christ-Light Lesson Videos taught by experienced WELS teachers available via the NPH website and YouTube channel prior to each Sunday. Access to these Lesson Videos is free with no required password. After children watch the Lesson Video with their parents, parents help them complete an activity related to the lesson. Printed student lesson packets (reasonably priced) are available for parents to order for home delivery and use. Please use the following link to learn more about home Sunday School and how to order lessons to use in your home with your children.   Learn More>


Perhaps you want to participate in both our on-site and NPH’s home remote Sunday School. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Hering in the church office.


God bless all your efforts to remain connected to Jesus and to keep him central and most important in your family!

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