Vacation Bible School 2023

Registration closed June 15th. Please contact the church office with any questions.


July 10-14 from 9am to 3pm


Children having completed Kindergarten through 5th grade


Our Savior Lutheran Church & School in Grafton, WI (1332 Arrowhead Rd)


FREE Vacation Bible School this summer!   Presented by Camp Phillip, this VBS takes on less the style of school and more the feeling of a fun-filled Day Camp.

This year’s theme “Up In The Air” is based on Colossians 3:2 – “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” The worries. The doubts. The fears. Certainly, our children’s minds get tired from these things! We look forward to discovering together how everything looks different when we’re thinking with a mindset from up there!

A few quick notes:

  • A morning snack related to the daily theme will be provided each day. (Those with food allergies, please bring a snack).
  • Lunch is NOT provided—please plan to send a lunch and reusable water bottle with your child(ren) each day.
  • All children attending must be able to use the restroom on their own.

Sign-up closes after June 15th. More information will be sent prior to the first day.

Questions? Please contact the church office or (262) 377-6363.

Our Savior Lutheran Church & School