In Home Family Devotion Ideas

A Thought

None of us anticipated this world-wide health crisis. Who could have even imagined an Executive Order resulting in children and students staying home from school, many adults staying home from work, and family structure and schedule needing major adjustments? Do you think that our God can help us realize blessings through these in-home changes?

More face-to-face interaction and significant communication! (According to a recent study, “the average parent spends just three-and-a-half minutes per week in meaningful conversation with their children!”)

More parent-guided life lessons!

More opportunities for parents to really get to know their children!

The list could go on!

But perhaps the greatest blessing that can/should occur during this time of challenge is in the increased spiritual leadership in the home, by dads, and by moms. Certainly, a Christian church, a Christian school, Sunday School, and the like, are available and intended to assist moms and dads. But please note, these have always and only existed to assist. They have been available as “tools” for parents to assist in raising their children spiritually. Continue reading “In Home Family Devotion Ideas”

Some Bible Reading Food for Thought (and food for your soul!)

Means of Grace

What are the Means of Grace? The Means of Grace are the channels or instruments by which God gives us His undeserved love. Specifically, the Means of Grace is the Gospel in Word and Sacrament.

Personal or Family Bible Reading at Home, or Anywhere

  • If you are already reading your Bible on a regular basis, KEEP IT UP.
  • If you are not currently in the habit of regular personal Bible reading, or if you are looking for some Bible reading suggestions, please consider the following ideas:

You might start small.

Create a manageable plan of Bible reading. You might be surprised how the time committed to this activity will grow naturally. Continue reading “Some Bible Reading Food for Thought (and food for your soul!)”

Online Devotion Resources

Links to spiritual growth options for you and your family

Following is a list and brief description of a variety of home and personal devotion and Bible reading ideas, and more! During a time when corporate worship and Bible study gatherings are on hold, it’s a perfect time to begin or to enhance your current home study and worship practices. Continue reading “Online Devotion Resources”

COVID-19 Update – March 18, 2020

Dear fellow child of God,

As you already know, these are extraordinary times in which we are now living. Please take a few minutes to read this letter. It explains some difficult decisions that have been made, decisions made out of love for one another, for our church family and for our community at large.

The most important family of which you’re a member is God’s family. Your heavenly Father loves you, cares for you and promises you blessings for this life and for the life to come. Trust him in every situation. Cling to him when times are good and when times are challenging. Approach him boldly and confidently. He’s at your side and will never nor forsake you. His promise to Joshua is your promise: “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Joshua 1:5).

Your pastoral, school and congregational leadership team is prayerfully monitoring government recommendations and mandates, along with recommendations from our WELS leaders, in making decisions on behalf of our church family. We seek your patience and understanding.
Continue reading “COVID-19 Update – March 18, 2020”

Our Savior Lutheran Church & School