This year’s Spiritual Growth Plan focuses on prayer. Ponder a verse and a comment on the blessing of prayer from your Spiritual Growth Committee: James 5:13 “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.” We were in trouble! Our Savior, Jesus, came to rescue us. Now in our joy we sing songs of praise. “O, come, let us adore him.”
Bible Reading for 2020
Have you been reading your Bible on a daily basis? If so, keep it up. Undoubtedly, you’re being blessed. If you haven’t been involved in daily Bible reading, consider starting now, or as the new year begins! A Bible reading plan is easy to set up and follow. It’s simple to subscribe and receive daily Bible readings by email. Go to and follow the links (“Serving You” – “Through My Bible” – “Get It Delivered”.) You can also find these readings listed on the “Feedback Page” of our synod’s monthly magazine, Forward in Christ.” Read online, via delivered email, audio, or paper. Be blessed as you read and reread treasures from God’s inspired Word!
Mr. Trimmer is requesting the fronts of old Christmas cards for an art project for NEXT year. You may submit them to the school office as you have them and are willing to part with them from throughout the years.
An Our Savior Lutheran Church & School undecorating/cleaning/work day has been scheduled for Saturday, January 11th starting at 9:00am. We are looking for help from both church and school families. Please consider joining us!
Please join us for our next Teen Outing on Friday, December 27th at Circle B Recreation in Cedarburg from noon to 2pm. This is a FREE event. Sign-up sheet is located on a table in the back. Contact Mr. Fischer or Mr. Pautz if you have any questions. Don’t forget to invite a friend.
Scrip News
Small Denomination cards are in stock and available for a limited time. Scrip will be sold after both services on Sundays. Scrip are gift cards that are sold at face value, but there is a credit that goes to school families to help with tuition, or to the school to help pay for the program and also to support the school. Questions? Contact Alison Wolf.
The 2020 offering envelopes are in the back of church. Please be sure to pick yours up.