Our church and school picnic will be held on Sunday, August 25th. The picnic will begin at approximately 11:15 am after a single 10 o’clock worship service. Join us for hamburgers, hot dogs and brats, lemonade, ice cream and other shared dishes (Side-dishes and desserts welcome). There will also be games after lunch. There will be a Free Will Offering basket. No need to sign up to attend; just come and enjoy the delicious food and fellowship!
Help needed for picnic set-up, serving and clean-up! See the sign-up sheets and details on the table in the church entry area. Note especially the need for helpers for Saturday (August 24) set-up at 3 pm and servers Sunday morning!
Jr. Charger Baseball Tryouts
Jr. Charger Baseball tryouts are coming up soon! We are organizing a U9 Jr. Charger baseball team for the 2020 season. This is for boys who are 9 and under on May 1, 2020.The tryout dates are: Tuesday, July 23 – 6:00-7:30pm (Rain date: Thursday, July 25) -and/or- Monday, July 29 – 6:00-7:30pm (Rain date: Tuesday, July 30) Players can attend one or both tryouts.
Please use the following link to pre-register for your desired tryout date:
Jr Charger Baseball FAQs can be found here:
Support the KML Cheer Team at Miller Park on WELS Night
The KML Cheer Team will have a concession stand at the Brewers game during WELS Night (July 12). If you’re at the game, stop by to support the girls! Please follow the cheer team on Instagram @kmlcheerteam or on Facebook for more information and to see the stand location for the game. Thank you for your support!