April 26th Prayers
But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water. John 19:34
Some compare red and white to both sacraments of the church: Jesus’ blood of the new covenant in Holy Communion and the cleansing waters of Holy Baptism. Both the blood and the water bring life and salvation.
For unbelievers, Jesus’ death is a moment of defeat and disgrace, not glory. But hidden beneath Jesus’ suffering and death is His work of redemption: the work of God bringing His fallen creation back to Himself, the work of God redeeming His creation through His Son. Jesus, who instituted the sacraments, is the entrance into eternal life.
Congregational Counseling – Christ Jesus, the life and breath of your church, we pray on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Christ who give and receive WELS congregational counseling for churches in our fellowship. Send your Holy Spirit to breathe life into your churches through your good news in Word and sacrament. Give all congregational counselors and the churches they assist an understanding that a healthy congregation is one that faithfully preaches and teaches the lifesaving, eternity-changing gospel. May the congregational counselor newly called by WELS be quickly established to assist our church body. Keep our eyes focused on the eternal glory that you have prepared for us. May this motivate us to heed your command to share the gospel with our members and the lost. To you be all honor and glory forever. Amen.