A cord of three strands is not quickly broken
Ecclesiastes 4:12b
At the 50th anniversary celebration the husband was asked, “What is the secret of your long marriage?” “Well,” drawled the gentleman, “I never tried to hold things together with a thread when I needed a rope.” After the puzzled laughter subsided, he added, “Handling life’s problems alone would have been tough. My wife gave me added strength. But the Lord held us together.”
After God created Adam, He said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him” (Genesis 2:18). God formed Eve to be Adam’s earthly partner, a strand of two woven into one flesh. However, the heart of any marriage is truly defined as A cord of three strands is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12b).
Christ, the Third Strand, gives strength to husband and wife. A shared faith in Him sustains us in the challenges of life and multiplies the joys of our blessings. The Creator desires to be the center of every marriage.
Ukraine – Lord, in America, we sometimes take our religious freedom for granted. In Ukraine, they can’t do so because these freedoms barely exit. If those challenges weren’t enough, local superstitions and false teachers lead many astray. Politics and economic pressures add to the temptation to give up their faith. Heavenly Father, we pray that you would give the Ukrainian believers the same courage and fortitude as the early Christians, so that they never abandon the true faith. Freedom from sin in Christ is far too important to lose. Through your Holy Spirit, give them the hope and strength to carry on. Amen.
- In his grace God has called Dr. George Clark to himself in eternity. Doc (he was a doctor of dental surgery) was an active member of the Elders and Visitation Team over many years. Support them with the sure statements of salvation by faith alone and comfort them by knowing that our Savior Jesus has conquered death and the grave. Now we pray for his dear wife, Diane, as she begins a transition which is likely to take her to Florida near her daughter and family. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in November.
- Two of our member families experienced great loss this past week, with rather young fathers taken home to heaven quickly. Scott & Jody Martens’ brother Matthew was killed in a snowmobile accident. He was 44 years old. Todd & Holly Schneider’s brother-in-law Scott Reinhard died in his sleep at age 48, leaving behind three children. Scott was the Director of Mission Advancement at Manitowoc Lutheran High School. We seek the Lord’s comfort and promises, his grace and mercy for all who loved and will miss these men.
- It is in memory and appreciation for the Lord’s grace that we join the Schnell Family since Mike went home to Heaven four years ago. Despite his challenges Mike was joyful, generous and giving. He was a light of faith in many dark places and by pointing to Jesus shared the hope that we have.
- We rejoice with Gary & Cheryl Suckow that tests indeed have found a brain tumor but it is of a kind that is generally benign and may not even need to be removed. For now, this is as good a diagnosis as one might hope for… and we pray that Cheryl might have many years of good health to come. We continue to seek your guidance and strength for them through the future medical investigation.
- We lift up Norbert Netz before your throne, after he sustained some severe injuries from a fall. They are still trying to figure out what caused his collapse. He has fractured his upper spine, yet seems to be in a stable condition and good spirits. Lord, show your care and concern for Norb through the process of his recuperation.
- And we add an earnest and serious prayer of concern for Anita Gurgel, as they have discovered that she has pancreatic cancer. Over the months to come they will start with chemo treatments, move to radiation and then likely surgery. Be with Paul & Anita and support them through family and friends as they have often done for others.
- Our continuing prayers go up for Casey Gahan, now immobilized for months. Lord, give her answers to the multiple symptoms and, according to your will, grant healing.