Women’s Online Bible Study: Enough for Now

The concept of “having enough” is one that is not often experienced. If I only had more money . . . more success . . . more time . . . then I would be fulfilled. Yet even when more is attained, it rarely satisfies. It is not “enough.”’

An eight-lesson women’s Bible study, Enough for Now explores the idea of “enough” through the study of Scripture—specifically the parable of the rich fool, personal stories, and practical exercises. Over the course of the lessons, women will discover how to escape the insatiable quest for more by finding their “enough” in God.

An eight-week series entitled “Enough for Now – Unpacking God’s Sufficiency,” taught by Andrea Semmann on Tuesday evenings from 8-9:30 pm, will begin April 14.

Contact Alison Wolf to sign up for this Zoom online Bible study.

Recommended materials

a journal and a copy of the Bible study book.

Purchase options

Northwestern Publishing House $14.99

Amazon Kindle $14.24, Paperback $14.99

Christian Book $10.99

Some Bible Reading Food for Thought (and food for your soul!)

Means of Grace

What are the Means of Grace? The Means of Grace are the channels or instruments by which God gives us His undeserved love. Specifically, the Means of Grace is the Gospel in Word and Sacrament.

Personal or Family Bible Reading at Home, or Anywhere

  • If you are already reading your Bible on a regular basis, KEEP IT UP.
  • If you are not currently in the habit of regular personal Bible reading, or if you are looking for some Bible reading suggestions, please consider the following ideas:

You might start small.

Create a manageable plan of Bible reading. You might be surprised how the time committed to this activity will grow naturally. Continue reading “Some Bible Reading Food for Thought (and food for your soul!)”

Family Balance: Fall 2019 Parent Class


Plan to attend this ten-week class which will include Biblical principles and guidance to help parents work through the challenges of finding family balance on many fronts.


Sunday morning series at 9:15 am
September 8, 15, 22 & 29
October 6, 13, 20 & 27
November 3 & 10

Taught by Tom Hering in the Fellowship Hall Classroom

Our Savior Lutheran Church & School